Envision Resilience Challenge Launches Year Three of Design Studio and Community Engagement Program in New Bedford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts
The Envision Resilience Challenge, a semester-long design studio connecting interdisciplinary university teams with coastal communities to inspire adaptive and creative solutions to the challenges of sea level rise and climate change, will take place in New Bedford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts in the fall of 2023.
Strengthening Climate Resiliency with Indigenous Lessons and Values: A conversation with Anjelica S. Gallegos
Anjelica S. Gallegos took part in ReMain Nantucket’s inaugural Envision Resilience Challenge and in 2022 we welcomed Anjelica back, this time as a juror. We got to learn more about Anjelica’s invaluable work in ensuring that Indigenous architectural knowledge gains recognition and gets upheld throughout the fields of architecture, planning and design and how those goals tied into her Envision Resilience project.
Can Art Help Us Consider Who We Want to Become as Climate Change Changes Us?
Residents of the coastal town of Warren, Rhode Island, experience daily reminders of sea level rise, and now a mural, painted by artist Josie Morway, inspired by the writings of novelist Elizabeth Rush and supported by public art organization The Avenue Concept, reminds them as well.
Stories From Ashore: Cattails and Tires; Life on the Ottison's Marsh
Karl and Susan Ottison are fourth-generation owners of their Nantucket Orange Street property. For as long as they remember, from their land that sits right up against the The Creeks Preserve, they’ve watched storms roll in and out and the tides slowly rise.
The University of Florida Returns to the Envision Resilience Challenge with Historic Preservation
Join in on a conversation with Linda Stevenson to learn a little more about what drew the UF Historic Preservation program to Envision Resilience, and the unique goals they worked to achieve this year.
Stories from Ashore: Learning to Live with Water in Warren, R.I.
Bob Rulli has been a critical partner, advisor and ally throughout the duration of the 2022 Envision Resilience Narragansett Bay Challenge. Both a planner and a leader on the front lines of climate change, Bob initiated the Market to Metacom Climate Resilience and Economic Development Plan. I recently sat down with Bob to talk about the impact that working with design students, as well as students across disciplines, can have on a community facing challenging decisions around issues related to climate change
Northeastern University’s Return to the Envision Resilience Challenge
Upon reaching the pinnacle event showcase of this year's Narragansett Bay Challenge, we are looking back on the past two years with our returning Northeastern team. To better understand Northeastern's experience with Envision Resilience, I spoke with two participating students, as well as assistant professor Sara Jensen Carr, who led the Envision Resilience studio for the past two years.
Envision Resilience: Designs for Living with Rising Seas—A Month-Long Exhibition of Adaptive Proposals for Sea Level Rise on Narragansett Bay—Opens at the WaterFire Arts Center in Providence June 4
PROVIDENCE, R.I.---The Envision Resilience: Designs for Living with Rising Seas exhibition opens with a free community open house on Saturday, June 4 at the WaterFire Arts Center in Providence, Rhode Island. The exhibition, which runs from June 4 through June 26, will feature adaptive designs by participating university teams in the 2022 Envision Resilience Narragansett Bay Challenge.
Stories from Ashore: How My Island Childhood Inspired My Commitment to Climate Adaptation
Jolie Jaycobs spent her youngest years jumping in and out of playful waves on Nantucket Island, one of the most eastern towns in the United States, 30 miles from Massachusetts’ mainland coast. In this blog, she writes about the impact that had on her understanding of resilience.
Stories from Ashore: Ginger Andrews on Coastal Resilience and Preservation
A fifth-generation Nantucketer, Ginger Andrews is a well-known name around the island when it comes to preservation and climate efforts. She believes in looking at our island’s foundations before we figure out what steps need to be taken next; digging up and looking at Nantucket’s roots.
Nantucket Community More Engaged About Climate Change, According to Envision Resilience Nantucket Challenge Survey
Two-thirds of Nantucket residents say they are more engaged on issues of climate change and coastal resilience than they were in 2021, according to a survey report released today by ReMain Nantucket’s Envision Resilience Nantucket Challenge team. The second in a two-part survey to measure community attitudes about climate change was conducted in January and February 2022.
ReMain Nantucket and Envision Resilience Nantucket Challenge Open Second Survey to Measure Changes in Attitudes on Climate
Last year, ReMain Nantucket's Envision Resilience Nantucket Challenge survey found that 73% of Nantucketers are alarmed about climate change, a rate much higher than the national average of 33%. As part of the continued effort to expand and measure attitudes about climate change and sea level rise, they opened the second in their two-part survey this week.
ReMain Nantucket Expands Envision Resilience Challenge, Calling on University Students to Collaborate to Reimagine Narragansett Bay
The Envision Resilience Challenge, developed by ReMain Nantucket to encourage university students to develop adaptive and creative solutions to sea level rise, announced this week it will expand to its second coastal community—Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island.
Comparisons and Reflections on the Nantucket Community and Coastal Ecologies
Alex Renaud, a student of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Architecture at Northeastern University and a participant in the Envision Resilience Nantucket Challenge, reflects on the island community and its ability to adapt.
ReMain Nantucket to Unveil Sea Level Rise Art Installation, “Rising Above,” on Easy Street
As part of the Envision Resilience Nantucket Challenge, a pop-up art installation will be unveiled on Friday, Oct. 8 at 6:30 p.m, ReMain Nantucket announced today. Through projection-mapping art, “Rising Above” will tell the history and envision the future of the island’s resilience. The installation will be projected across the water onto the backside of 4 Old North Wharf, the scallop shanty of fifth-generation Nantucketer Ginger Andrews.
ReMain Nantucket Opens Envision Resilience: Designs for Living with Rising Seas Exhibition at Nantucket Historical Association’s Thomas Macy Warehouse on July 2, 2021
The Envision Resilience Nantucket Challenge exhibition, which showcases student design proposals for how Nantucket residents and businesses can live with sea level rise, will open on July 2, ReMain Nantucket announced today. The Envision Resilience: Designs for Living with Rising Seas exhibition will be displayed on the second floor of the Nantucket Historical Association's Thomas Macy Warehouse at 12 Straight Wharf. The free exhibition will be open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through December 2021.
Stories From Ashore: Flood Adventures
In our most recent Stories From Ashore submission, Julie Kever—a 12th-generation Nantucketer—reflects on growing up as a year-rounder in the Brant Point neighborhood. Writing about her “flood adventures,” Julie recalls being picked up during at least two big winter storms by the Coast Guard’s amphibious ‘Duck’ that was there to collect winter families from the flooded streets of Brant Point. Read her thoughts about experiencing first-hand what it means to live in a low-lying flood zone year-round, and what it means when you choose to live in a place that faces those consequences.
Stories From Ashore: 90 Years on the Sea
For more than 90 years, Skip Willauer’s family dealt with the force of nature and impact of storms on their Dionis beach house, Westcliff. Read Skip’s story in the first of our Stories from Ashore series. In this series, we will share stories of local Nantucketers and their experience with climate change.
Survey Measuring Attitudes on Climate Change Finds That Nantucketers are Alarmed, Prepared to Take Individual Action
Nantucketers are alarmed about climate change, according to results of a new survey conducted by ReMain Nantucket and ACKlimate and released today. An analysis of the survey, conducted in January, found that Nantucketers are far more likely to be alarmed about climate change than the national average, 73 percent compared to 26 percent.
A call to action: The inception of the Envision Resilience Nantucket Challenge
The Envision Resilience Nantucket Challenge, with the goal of inspiring Nantucket and other coastal communities around the world to envision innovative adaptations to sea level rise, began as a call to action. In the fall of 2019, Wendy Schmidt—founder of ReMain Nantucket—and the team at ReMain Nantucket sat down to talk about sea level rise: a dire issue for coastal communities around the globe.