The Envision Resilience New Bedford and Fairhaven Challenge resource library is for both participating university teams and the community to investigate climate change impacts globally and locally.
Ongoing Resilience Research
Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, Resilient Rhody Municipal Resilience Program
Providing Resilience Education for Planning in R.I. (PREP-R.I.)
R.I. Statewide Planning Program Transportation Vulnerability Assessment
R.I. Coastal Resources Management Program (R.I. CRMP) - a.k.a. The “Red Book”
R.I. CRMC Coastal Resilience & Adaptation - Shoreline Adaptation Inventory & Design (SAID)
Published papers, Journal of Marine Science & Engineering, STORMTOOLS, Coastal Environmental Risk Index(CERI), CERI APP, and Stormtools Design Elevation (SDE)
Vision 2032: A partnership working toward a shared vision for the Narragansett Bay region
Rhode Island State House's Special Legislative Commission to Study and Provide Recommendations on the Issues Relating to Lateral Access Along the Rhode Island Shoreline (Shoreline Access Commission)
Webinar: “Using Community Science for Decision Making: Coastal Flooding” hosted by The Northeast Sea Grant on October 14, 2021
National Park Service FAQs - Flooding Adaptation, Climate Change & Sustainability
Supporting urban adaptation to climate change: What role can resilience measurement tools play? (Urban Climate 41 - 2022)
A message from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: R.I. Archipelago (2017)
4th Annual Healthy Soils Healthy Seas Rhode Island Symposium hosted by Clean Ocean Access (January 2022)
Green Port Initiatives: A Review of Best Practices for the Port of Providence (RI) Presented to the Harbor Management Commission By Vanessa Anderson Master of Marine Affairs University of Rhode Island (February 7, 2018)
Risk Perception and Adaptation Strategies in the City of Providence (Brown University)
Resilience initiatives at the Port of Providence: 2010 - Present (Presentation by Austin Becker, PhD, Associate Professor and Chair, Dept. of Marine Affairs)
RISD Urban Systems 2018 (Presentation by Elizabeth Dean Hermann (Lili) Professor, Urbanism and Landscape, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Department of Landscape Architecture)
Pokanoket: the First People of the East Bay, Bristol Rhode Island (Roger Williams students, 2020)
URI Coastal Institute Mixed Use Climate Response Demonstration Site: Barrington/Warren/Bristol
Warren RI Site Analysis URI Landscape Architecture Junior Class Professor Richard Sheridan Fall 2016
Application of the Coastal Environmental Risk Index (CERI) to Barrington, Bristol, and Warren, RI
Coastal Environmental Risk Index Barrington, Bristol & Warren
Geospatial Analysis of Sea Level Rise in Warren, Rhode Island (January 2021 by Patrick MacMeekin, Graduate Student, Masters of Environmental Science and Management (MESM) program Department of Natural Resources, University of Rhode Island
Rhode Island Division of Planning: Warren Socioeconomics of Sea Level Rise Coastal Factsheet
Five Ecological Piers at Touisset Marsh: An ecological art installation depicting future sea level rise (Leonard Yui, Assistant Professor of Architecture at Roger Williams University (RWU) and students, facilitated by Audubon Senior Director of Conservation Scott Ruhren, 2019)
Warren RI Site Analysis URI Landscape Architecture Junior Class Professor Richard Sheridan Fall 2016
Application of the Coastal Environmental Risk Index (CERI) to Barrington, Bristol, and Warren, RI
Coastal Environmental Risk Index Barrington, Bristol & Warren Visualizations
Neighborhood of Newport, Rhode Island, 1820 -1920 by Daniel P. Titus Salve Regina University (2003)
Landscape Architecture Capstone 2021 Presentation - North End Newport
74 Bridge Street Case Study by NRF, BCA New England, Union Studio, and Mohamad Farzan, RIBA, AIA
Adaptation Without Loss by Stephen White, AIA; Dean, Gregory Laramie, AIA; Associate Dean, Helen Johnson, Preservation Planner City of Newport (Originally presented at the Keeping History Above Water, Charleston, June 2021)
Climate Justice
Study Finds Black People in Rhode Island Exposed to Higher Levels of Air Pollution (June 2021, ecoRI News)
Climate anxiety: Feeling hopeless, not wanting to have kids. What can you do about it? (November 2021, Providence Journal)
CLIMATE CHANGEAsk A Scientist: While Nations Dither, US Cities, Counties, & States Are Suing Fossil Fuel Companies (November 2021, Clean Technica)
How a Native American tribe on Long Island is losing its land to rising seas (December 2021, CNBC)
The world's fight for 'climate justice' (November 2021, BBC)
How a Native American tribe on Long Island is losing its land to rising seas (December 2021, CNBC)
The world's fight for 'climate justice' (November 2021, BBC)
Health and Wealth: An Integrated Approach to Climate Justice (December 2021, Non Profit Quarterly)
Revealing climate change inequities, redress, and environmental justice (November 2021, Cornell Chronicle)
Climate Change, Environmental Activism, and Disability (Winter 2022, Stanford Social Innovation Review)
Zanagee Artis: Promoting climate justice through environmental policy reform (April 2021, Brown University)
Environmental Justice ‘Finding Voice,’ if Not Votes, in States (June 2021, Bloomberg Law)
Climate justice means protecting the rights of indigenous peoples – they are the best stewards of their lands (November 2021, Independent)
Climate and racial justice talks inspire students, new course (November 2021, University of Miami)
Under the radar: Rising housing costs around Newport fuel predatory behavior toward undocumented tenants (The Public’s Radio, December 2021)
What Design Can Do to Help the Climate Justice Movement (November 2021, Architectural Digest)
The Climate Bill Includes Billions in Funding. Will It Be Spent Fairly? (December 2021, The New York Times)
The climate bill question highlights global inequality (December 2021, Fortune)
Pokanokets say land acknowledgment in Warren is important recognition (July 2021, Providence Journal)
What Does It Mean to Save a Neighborhood? (December 2021, The New York Times)
Rising sea levels threaten affordable housing (January 2022, NPR)
More than 40 percent of Americans live in counties hit by climate disasters in 2021 (January 2022, Washington Post)
How Can Managed Retreat Be Done Equitably? (Winter 2022, AIA Blueprint For Better)
Unequal Impact: Putting Justice at the Heart of the Climate Fight (Yale Environment 360, February 2022)
Lessons from New York: What makes a community turn against climate adaptation? (Grist, February 2022)
Why Environmental Justice Is Crucial in Climate Resilience: Just Look at New Sea Rise Predictions (KQED, February 2022)
In the News:
Sea Level Rise Narragansett Bay
I’m a black climate expert. Racism derails our efforts to save the planet, op-ed (June 2020, Washington Post)
What I Know about the ocean – we need ocean justice, essay (December 2020, Sierra Magazine)
Extra-high tides offer a glimpse into the future as sea level rises
(November 2021, NPR)
Narragansett Bay Commission gains $45M loan from R.I. Infrastructure Bank (November 2021, Providence Business Journal)
Photos of extreme high tides show impacts of sea-level rise in RI (November 2021, The Providence Journal)
HIGHER GROUND: RETREAT - This RI neighborhood will soon be underwater forever. Can it be saved? (November 2021, The Providence Journal)
‘We Cannot Save Everything’: A Historic Neighborhood Confronts Rising Seas (July 2019, The New York Times)
Parts of Barrington will be underwater by 2035, sea-level data shows (January 2022, WPRI)
Podcast: Climate Checking the Real Estate Sector with Cal Inman (January 2022, America Adapts)